Foundational Reading on Movements:

Church Planting By the Book by E. Elbert Smith (Kindle)
The Four Fields of Kingdom Growth – Free PDF / Spanish by N. & K. Shank (2014 edition)
Missionary Methods by Roland Allen
Spontaneous Expansion of the Church by Roland Allen
Pioneering Movements by Steve Addison (Kindle)
What Jesus Started by Steve Addison (Kindle)
T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution by Ying Kai & Steve Smith (Kindle)
-Article: T4T: Training For Trainers Process by Steve Smith via Mission Frontiers
Hastening: #NoPlaceLeft Series (Book 1) by Steve Smith (Kindle)
Movements That Changed the World by Steve Addison (Kindle)
Church Planting Movements by David Garrison (Kindle)
Acts 29: Practical Training In Facilitating CPM Among Neglected Harvest Fields by Bruce Carlton
Church Planting Movements Glossary via Mission Frontiers-Mission Frontiers: Church Planting Movements Edition (PDF Web Version)
-Mission Frontiers: T4T in USA Edition (PDF | Web Version)
-A Wind in the House of Islam (T4T among Muslims) by David Garrison (Kindle)
The Lost Art of Disciple Making by Leroy Eims (Kindle)
Apostolic Church Planting by J.D. Payne (Kindle)
Dreams and Visions by Tom Doyle of e3 Partners (Kindle)

Websites | Blogs: (Jeff & Angie Sundell website)–  (Steve Addison Blog)
Engaging Missions (Bryan Entzminger)– (James Harvey Resources Page)
NoPlaceLeft Memphis (Zach Medlock & Ron Surgeon) (Carter & Hannah Cox Page) (Tom & Dana Clark Page) (Jon & Lauren Dobbs Page)
T4T Global Missions (Ying & Grace Kai website)
e3 Partners | I Am SecondAsian Rough Rider (SE Asia)
Engage Global (Minneapolis, MN)
Mission Frontiers Magazine